Monday, February 23, 2009

CREATING A COMPOST - What works best for you?

Most homes waste is 1/3 compostable.

Americans generate about 210 million tons of trash, or solid waste, each year. Over half of this waste gets placed in landfills. About 56 million tons is recovered through either recycling (glass, paper, plastic or some metals) or through composting (yard waste).

A compost turns your 'waste' into rich soil.
Starting a compost may be a little time consuming at first, but the rewards pay off quickly with low maintenance.

After I set up a compost bin at my house I noticed a dramatic difference with how long it takes me to fill up my 'landfill' garbage can. On the other hand, I do tend to fill up my 'yard waste' receptacle rather quickly. I fill it with all my produce remains, left-overs (with the exception of meat products), paper towels and coffee filters.

  • Cuts back on household waste
  • Less waste in our landfills
  • Helps create beautiful gardens/landscaping
  • Save money on chemical fertilizers.
  • Reduce greenhouse gases.
  • Reuse organic materials.
  • Recycle natural nutrients.
  • Improve soil without chemicals.
  • Produce rich humus for plants.

Inside your compost bin, microorganisms from within the soil eat the organic waste that you provide. This breaks down the waste and produces very rich soil. The microorganisms require air and they get it when you stir up the matter in the bin. They also need water to survive.

  • Air - your compost bin should be turned daily or every other day
  • Water- Just make sure that it is moist
  • Break up big pieces to expedite the process
  • Soil - should provide enough microorganisms for the process
You can benefit from the finished compost in as little as 2 or 3 weeks, you may then find super rich soil full of fiber and inorganic nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
The perfect ingredients for a happy garden!

There is a plethora of websites that help guide you through the process of setting up your compost. Please explore the links below to find which kind of compost would work best for you.

Composting 101
Solid and Hazardous Waste Education Center
About my Planet

Want to start vermiculture composting?
City Farmer
Watch a video on how to set up a worm composting bin: