I have been playing catch up this week, but wanted to write about something that has been on the forefront of my mind: LANDSCAPING!!!
I have heard several home survival stories that are attributed to those plump and juicy plants called succulents. Succulents retain water in their leaves which makes them more fire resistant than other plants. These plants also stay healthy with low maintenance (ie; less watering-YEAH we like that!) Also if you ask me, they look awesome. Like a step back to prehistoric times...
For more info on the benefits of designing your garden with succulents please read the Lawn & Garden Retailer article by clicking here.
Also a for quick read with pretty photos; LA Times on succulent gardens
If you have questions or are thinking about redesigning your outdoor space, I am sure that Denise Woolery with Acanthus Design will be able to assist your needs. You will find that many of her designs include succulents...Visit her site (link provided above) for some examples of her unique and beautiful design.
*Image courtesy of San Marcos Growers in Santa Barbara.